Q: What can I bring or find?
A: Accepting ALL ages/genders/sizes: Coats - Jackets - Halloween Costumes - Shoes - Jewelry - Pants - Shirts - Shorts- Skirts - Belts - Purses - Wallets - Sweaters - etc... Athletic - Dressy - Maternity - Casual - Men's - Juniors - Kids - Toddlers
Q: Where can I drop off clothing? I want to donate but can't attend
A: Want to donate, but can't attend? You can drop off your donations to The Garde Arts Center box office from Monday, Oct 16 - Friday, Oct 20th
Q: Can I try clothing on?
A: Yes - we will have stations set up to try on clothes.
Q: What are you doing with the leftover clothing
A: We will be distributing it amongst local Southeastern CT charities. We think it's super important to give directly to those in need, and not to larger donation centers who profit from them. Here are the charities we will be bringing them too:
Q: I don't have many or any clothes to swap, but need clothes, can I come?
A: Of Course! This is a community event, and we are here to support one another. We do ask if you're able, to make a monetary donation.
Q: How does this work?
-Come - the earlier the better! -Drop off your bag(s) with our volunteers. They will place your clothes on hangers while you browse the collection of assortment of items brought in by others. Remember: People will be arriving throughout the event so new items will be introduced very frequently!